For companies in the electronic payments industry, things have changed. The days of signing up merchants and keeping them for life are gone. Making a living off terminal leases and residuals is getting harder, and competition is fierce. In order to survive, companies need to differentiate themselves with useful, value-add solutions that help their clients. That’s where we come in. We’re Savify, the only discount program designed for the electronic payments industry. Our program leverages the collective buying power of thousands of merchants to negotiate discounts on products and services they need, and it can only be accessed through their ISO, acquirer, or payment processor. Through


, merchants get discounts on products and services like payroll services, office supplies, electronics, business software, legal services, plus more value-added benefits– from trusted brand-name companies. Our discounts can’t be found anywhere else, creating a unique value added program that helps the payments industry increase loyalty and decrease attrition. For small businesses, it’s hard to compete with big corporations. The big guys have enormous purchasing power, allowing them to negotiate the lowest cost on everything they need. Small businesses simply can’t do that on their own, so we help them do it together. The results are reduced expenses and improved cash flow, all from one easy to use website. For more information about how Savify can provide more value to your clients, contact